
Miami Trip Recap--What We Did & Where We Ate

Happy Monday loves! Hope you had a fabulous weekend. As promised, today I am doing a recap of our Miami trip! We had SUCH a blast and definitely plan to go back soon. We stayed in the Coconut Grove part of Miami and honestly I wouldn't want to stay anywhere else! There were so many restaurants, gorgeous views, shopping, etc. and it was just an easy Uber ride to downtown Miami. We honestly spent most of our time in the Coconut Grove area though because we just LOVED it. Highly recommend staying there if you are planning a trip to Miami!
Outfit for traveling down to Miami! This dress is SO comfortable and was perfect for landing in a warmer climate!
First stop was brunch and drinks at Peacock Garden Bistro! This was super close to our AirBnB and the food was so yummy. Plus check out this "tropical" mimosa!
The view from our Airbnb pool was gorgeous and so was the view from our room! We stayed right on the bay.
Steven and I both agreed that dinner at Jaguar on our first night was the best food we've ever had! Even if you're not staying in Coconut Grove, you need to make a trip there just to eat at Jaguar. The ceviche and fish tacos were PHENOMENAL!
We kicked off Day 2 by spending the morning at the pool with drinks and gorgeous weather!
Friday was actually the only day it rained in the afternoon so we paid a visit to Vizcaya Museum which was also super convenient to our AirBnB. This is a GORGEOUS estate of businessman John Deering and you an tour the entire house and the beautiful gardens/grounds surrounding. 
I actually think it was even prettier and more serene in the rain!
Once the rain cleared up Steven and I ventured out again and found another AWESOME restaurant in the Coconut Grove area. It's called The Spillover and they had awesome oysters, drinks and great crab cakes! It did start pouring again so we ended up wrapping up the night at our hotel's rooftop bar.
Saturday we headed to South Beach for the day! I wore this dress which was SO comfortable and definitely will be on repeat all summer.
Y'all...when I say we had the BEST food on this trip I'm not kidding! We grabbed lunch at Naked Taco in South Beach and omg. I seriously have had dreams about these tacos since then! It was also just a super fun vibe and really easy to walk to from Ocean Drive.
After walking around South Beach all day we headed back to our hotel and relaxed until dinner time. For dinner on Saturday we went to Farinelli 1937. They had great Italian food/wine and this was probably my favorite atmosphere of all the restaurants. Just a gorgeous outdoor area surrounded by trees with string lights throughout. Definitely romantic!
Sunday was my favorite day exploring the Wynwood Art District! The Wynwood Walls are SO cool and all of the little shops/restaurants surrounding the area are too. Definitely a spot you have to visit while there!
Just a block down from the Wynwood Walls we stumbled upon this market filled with different food trucks and other vendors! They had gorgeous handmade jewelry, clothing, etc. We grabbed yummy Mediterranean food here and drinks!
The Salty Donut was one spot on my list to visit and we were so excited when we realized it was just a few blocks down from the Wynwood Walls! These donuts were AMAZING and there was actually a line out the door. We clearly weren't counting calories this trip!
Drinks at our hotel's rooftop bar to celebrate our 1 Year Anniversary and our last night in Miami!

We had the best time on our trip! I hope you enjoyed this little recap.
[Linking up with Biana from B Loved Boston]


  1. Love how much of Miami you explored! I lived in Florida for 22 years and I only made it to Miami once LOL! I need to plan a trip back and eat ALL the food :) xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  2. It looks amazing over there, looks like so much fun

    Candice | Natalya Amour

  3. Oh my word, what beautiful pics! That food looks divine. Love the outfit choices. What a fun time

  4. Yay!! I am so glad you had fun, love the photos and you look so cute in them all, the scarf around your pretty head outfit was my favorite!! Darling!

  5. Looks like such a fun trip! LOVE Miami!

  6. Miami is such a great place! There's so much to do and especially eat! Oh the food!! Glad you had a great time, you look adorable!

    Whitney & Blaire
    Peaches In A Pod

  7. Looks like a wonderful Miami trip! Love it!

  8. It looks and sounds like you had such an amazing time. I know I say it all the time but I just adore your style!

  9. Omg it sounds like you had the best time in Miami! I love the Coconut Grove area too, actually not a huge fan of South Beach area, CG is way more chill! I haven't been tp some of these places so I definitely need to check them out next time we venture down there!

    <3 Shannon 
    Upbeat Soles

    1. I totally agree! I felt bad saying that I really didn't enjoy South Beach but we're just too boring for that scene I guess haha!

  10. I have never been to Miami. How fun! All of your outfits are soo cute (especially loving that yellow dress).

    Amy Ann
    Straight A Style

  11. I've never been to Miami before, so it's good to know about this area, which I've actually never heard of. It looks somewhat Caribbean, which I like a lot; so fun and vibrant! The food also looks amazing and I adore all of your outfits. Thanks for sharing, beauty, and I hope you're having a great week so far!



  12. Looks like a great trip! My son is getting married in 2 1/2 weeks and they are going to Miami on their honeymoon. I just sent my future D-I-Love this link so she could read it. XOXO

  13. Your trip looks like it was fabulous and what fabulous photos!! I am in love with your yellow dress!

    xx, Elise

  14. Your trip looks like lots of fun! I love all the photos you took, and the outfits you wore.

  15. Such a gorgeous paradise indeed. I absolutely love your yellow dress dear. Color looks so pretty on you, cute and sexy style for the dress too.

    Jessica |

  16. Everything looks gorgeous and yummy and it looks like you had a fantastic time! You're just too darn cute.transportation tours in alberta

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